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Centers & Locations > Urban Groups & Centers > Hong Kong
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UTBF Hong Kong 

The Hong Kong center is one of the first places to hold Dharma events and participate in charitable activities under Rinpoche's guidance. Since year 2001, Rinpoche also guides a gradated learning program for disciples there. The first level is on Buddhism basics with emphasis on the Noble Eight Fold Path. The second level is on concentrative meditation.

UTBF Hong Kong


Name: UTBF Hong Kong
Flt A. 9/F, Fairview Mansion, No.51 Paterson Street
Causeway Bay
Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2559-1310
Fax: (852) 2591-1945

Name: UTBF International Inc.

The office of UTBF International is the main coordination center of the UTBF projects.

Flt A. 9/F, Fairview Mansion, No.51 Paterson Street
Causeway Bay
Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2559-1310
Fax: (852) 2591-1945

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page last update: February 9, 2006   credits