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Lama Choezang 

Lama Choezang

Lama Choezang is the resident lama overseeing centers in southern Taiwan. Currently he resides at the UTBF Center in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Choezang was born in June 1964 and began to study Tibetan and Buddhism under the guidance of his uncle, Drupon Tharchin at the age of seven. He decided to become a monk and with the support of his parents, he entered the Trungram Monastery. Lama Choezang was ordained in 1979 at the age of fifteen and subsequently took bhiksu vows.

In 1991, Choezang received the teachings on the Six Teachings of Naropa and Mahamudra, followed by a three-year retreat under the guidance and support of Aten Rinpoche and retreat lamas.

After finishing the retreat, Lama Choezang was one of the two lamas appointed by Trungram Gyalwa Rinpoche in 1997 to teach at urban centers in Taiwan. Following the advice of Rinpoche, in 1998, he took residence at the UTBF center in Taipei for three years, covering Northern Taiwan. Subsequent to that he took residence at the center in Kaohsiung, covering Southern Taiwan.

Lama Choezang can communicate well in Chinese with Rinpoche's disciples in Taiwan. Besides guiding group practices, he also gives teachings, he tutors in practices and rituals, consults on individual practice and leads Dharma activities such as life release.

Lama Choezang

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