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United Trungram Buddhist Fellowship
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Centers & Locations
 Trungram Monastic Institute   Meditation & Retreat Center   Urban Groups & Centers 

Centers and Locations 

Welcome to the centers of United Trungram Buddhist Fellowship!

Our centers are comprised of both ordained and lay people and are based on friendship, idealism and teamwork. They function through unpaid voluntary work. Center members share the responsibility for guiding meditations and practices, giving teachings and answering questions.

Under the spiritual leadership of His Eminence Trungram Gyalwa Rinpoche, the centers seek to preserve and share the heart wisdom of Buddhist teachings according to the Trungram tradition of the Kagyu school of Vajrayana Buddhism.

In furtherance of these goals, the centers offer training, sponsorship and support to Buddhist monks, nuns and teachers; establish and support our Dharma centers, groups, monasteries and meditation centers; offer public lectures and retreats, courses and seminars; publish books, journals and magazines; provide relevant texts and ritual objects and other necessary items for dharma practice; and otherwise disseminate and educate the public regarding traditional Buddhist teachings. In close cooperation with the United Trungram Buddhist Foundation, we support and participate in Dharma, educational and humanitarian projects.

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Copyright © 2003 - 2025  United Trungram Buddhist Fellowship UTBF.ORG
page last update: April 17, 2005   credits