UTBF International is registered under British law as a not-for-profit society.
Currently the office is located in Hong Kong. It administers donations and
other support from around the world for most Dharma and
charitable projects of UTBF.
If you would like to give maximum flexibility in the use of your donation for all our
projects, this is the most suitable channel. Tax deduction may not be applicable
for donations through this office.
To make a donation via UTBF International, please complete the
donation form
and send it to the office with check or money order payable to:
UTBF International Inc.
For donations in cash or other means of payment,
please contact the office.
Tax deduction is not applicable. Donors are given confirmation receipts.
Office address:
UTBF International
Flt A. 9/F, Fairview Mansion, No.51 Paterson Street
Causeway Bay
Hong Kong
more about the office...