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The Conception of the Foundation 

The conception of the United Trungram Buddhist Foundation can be traced back to 1978, when the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa told Rinpoche, "In the future, you will spread the Dharma by transmitting teachings and doing yogic practice. Before this you should complete your studies at Nalanda Institute. Then you can begin the activities that will fulfill my wishes for you." The Karmapa also said that someone in Nepal would offer land to Rinpoche that would prove his prophecy.

It so happened that a local organization in Nepal offered land to Rinpoche in 1979, to build a monastery. Remembering Karmapa's words, Rinpoche accepted the offer. As Rinpoche was only a child at that time, his granduncle, Sanga Rinzin Lama, took over the task of constructing a monastery on the land.

After graduating from Nalanda Institute in 1990, Rinpoche's mind reached beyond the limitations of the relatively small monastery. Plans gradually formed to set up a comprehensive network encompassing monasteries, retreat centers, Buddhist colleges, medical facilities, emergency and handicapped assistance facilities and a publishing house. These were directed at training the monastic sangha to be fully competent in teaching the Dharma and in helping others.

With this goal in mind, Rinpoche started the Foundation. Due to the monumental nature of the tasks that lay ahead, a cooperative effort was needed. Subsequently Rinpoche chose "UTBF" as the name of the Foundation through a special puja and practice. It was formally established on February 3, 1992.

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page last update: April 17, 2005   credits